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Our Services

Canvas Prints

A Canvas Print is perfect if you are looking to elevate your personal space at home or the office.
We use premium quality canvas and inks to ensure you get rich and vibrant colours. All canvases have a protective coating so that your prints last for decades.

Wall Photo Canvas

Celebrate Your Special Moments on Canvas

Canvas printing that perfectly fit your walls, you can choose from multiple sizes,
different shapes – like a square, rectangular or panoramic. You can even customise the depth as well as the thickness of the Canvas Prints.

Canvas Wall Frames 1

Wall Space : 3 x 3 feet

14in x 14in  – 4 No’s  Rs.1125/- each

Rs. 4500/-

Canvas Wall Frames 2

 Wall Space : 2 x 4 feet 

20in x 20in – 2 No’s  Rs.2000/- each

8in x 8in – 4 No’s  Rs.500/- each


Canvas Wall Frames 3

 Wall Space : 3 x 4 feet 

14in x 32in – 2 No’s  Rs.2250/- each

8in x 14in – 2 No’s  Rs.750/- each


Canvas Wall Frames 4

 Wall Space : 3 x 5 feet 

32in x 14in – 2 No’s  Rs.2250/- each

14in x 14in – 2 No’s  Rs.1125/- each


Canvas Wall Frames 5

 Wall Space : 3 x 5 feet 

32in x 14in – 1 No’s  Rs.2250/- each

14in x 14in – 4 No’s  Rs.1125/- each


Canvas Wall Frames 6

 Wall Space : 3 x 3 feet 

14in x 14in – 2 No’s  Rs.1125/- each

32in x 14in – 2 No’s  Rs.2250/- each


Canvas Wall Frames 7

 Wall Space : 2 x 6 feet 

20in x 20in – 3 No’s  Rs.2000/- each

Rs. 6000/-

Making a good first impression on visitors and potential clients can be very important for the growth of your business.

Check out our selection of canvas art prints and you can also provide your own images.

Made Affordable for Everyone

Highest quality canvas art prints


No: 31/2, Chakrapani 2nd Street, Maduvankarai, Guindy, Chennai – 600032.

Ph: 93618 01801, 73581 11332 | Info@signtrade.in

To Mail Your Feedback: info@signtrade.in